"How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" (Psalm 133:1)

  • Made In Hope

    MADE IN HOPE empowers women and children who have been rescued from the global sex trade (sex trafficking) to break the cycle of exploitation and secure their freedom by providing education, sustainable livelihood opportunities, and care in the healing process. We also advocate for the still enslaved, increasing global awareness and mobilizing support. Our mission is founded in the love of Jesus, who has a plan for each of us, giving us all a future MADE IN HOPE

  • Hawaiian Island Ministries

    We Worship. We offer Hope And we provide Tools. We bring together the Body of Christ unlike any other conference or event — across cultures, traditions, generations, preferences, preconceptions and perspectives to Be the Body of Christ, a family in God’s grace, God’s beloved. HIM (Jesus Christ) we proclaim, warning and teaching every person in all wisdom in order that we may present every person mature in Christ.

    Colossians 1:28

  • Unashamed Hawaii

    Our Mission is to reach young people and unify churches through Christ-centered relationships. Our Strategy is to build Christ-centered relationships through youth camps, worship nights, and youth events. Our Vision is for each young person to go from lost to saved, to discipled, and called to serve their local community and home church. Unashamed Hawaiʻi has become a partnership between Christ-centered churches of different denominations where we support, encourage, and walk through life together. We are humbled, grateful, and just as excited as ever to see the name of Jesus glorified in the islands.

  • Aloha Ke Akua

    Aloha Ke Akua Clothing Co. is a local clothing company, owned and operated by family members on Maui. Every design/product is created purposefully with a unique mix of Hawaiian language, local culture, & biblical principles.

    ALOHA KE AKUA: The main message behind "Aloha Ke Akua" is simple when translated to "God is love". God has given us love from day one. The Bible tells us that our cup overflows with all that He gives. If it's true that our cup overflows with the ALOHA He gives to us, we can't help but share that ALOHA with others. Aloha Ke Akua Clothing, as a company, is designed to not just sell clothing, but share ALOHA.

    "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." - 1 John 4:7-8

  • Leileiana

    We love GOD & we love people! Everyone writez love songz 2 da onez they love, we write love songz 2 da ONE we love... JESUS! Da meaning in "Leileiana" iz a never ending lei or unending lei. Datz how GOD'Z love iz 4 us, it iz unconditional & unending!

    Below is a demo song called, Aia Hele Kakou, or Trust and Obey.

  • Christopher L. Cook

    The author has written, co-written, edited and served as photographer for over fifteen published books, most Hawai‘i related non-fiction. His works include the best-selling The Kaua‘i Movie Book, A Kaua‘i Reader, Kaua‘i in History - A Guide to the Resources bibliography of Kaua‘i’s history. He continues to be a speaker on historical topics for the Kaua‘i Historical Society and other organizations. The author has been featured in cable network productions as an expert in the history of Kaua‘i.

    He has experienced the reality of missionary work on short-term trips to Indonesia, the Philippines and Okinawa.

    The author is now working as a full-time, Hawai‘i-based freelance author. The Providential Life & Heri- tage of Henry Obookiah is his latest book, and the first from his own publishing house, Pa‘a Studios based in Waimea, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i.