Below are various forms of content from Mo’olelo Kū’i’o. These range from podcasts to video content.

Episode #1-1778-1820-Moʻolelo Kūʻiʻo - Aaron Najera

Moʻolelo kūʻiʻo is a ministry branch of Unashamed Hawai’i. This department is dedicated to the spread of Christ’s gospel through the teaching of our unique Hawaiian and Christian heritage. Our goal is to help reveal the truth about God’s love for the people of these islands both now, and throughout history.

Episode #2-ʻŌpūkahaʻia (Part 1) - Aaron Najera

The journey continues today! Our next episode focuses on the extraordinary life and memoirs of the first Native Hawaiian Christian, father of the missionary movement to Hawai’i, ʻŌpūkahaʻia.

Episode #3-ʻŌpūkahaʻia (Part 2) - Aaron Najera

In this episode we had the privilege of traveling to the birth of ʻŌpūkahaʻia, looking out over the bay where he boarded the merchant ship, The Triumph, , and speaking with Aunty Debbie Lee, a 7th generation relative of ʻŌpūkahaʻia who had spearheaded the successful effort in bringing ʻŌpūkahaʻia’s iwi back to Hawai’i.

Ka’eo DeCoite, Hawaiian Kingdom History Pilots Of The Open Mind

Ka’eo DeCoite is a history fanatic and owner of one of the largest Hawaiian artifact collections from the days when the Hawaiian Nation ruled the islands.

Ka’eo DeCoite and Hawaiian History Pre-Kapu System. Pilots Of The Open Mind

Our guests second flight with Pilots of the Open Mind, as we have an open conversation about Hawaiian history before the Kapu System.