Keiki Hawaiian Heritage Series

Deeper Learning

Thomas Hopu

Welcome to the Thomas Hopu page of the Keiki Hawaiian Heritage site. Here, you can explore historical articles, primary sources, and the complete memoirs. Enjoy taking a deeper dive into how God used these amazing people from Hawaii to change the world and impact the kingdom of God!

The Memoirs of Thomas Hopoo

Here is the complete readable version of the original memoirs handwritten by Thomas Hopoo himself before his departure back to Hawaii on his mission. This document was discovered and digitized by Mo'olel Kū'iʻo in 2020 at the Phillips Library of the Peabody Essex Museum.

Handwritten Memoirs of Thomas Hopoo

Here are the handwritten memoirs of Thomas Hopoo, written in his own hand. The manuscript concludes with a note stating that the story was submitted to the corresponding secretary by Reverend Joseph Harvey on August 29, 1822. These documents were discovered by the research team at Mo’olelo Kū’iʻo in 2020 and are now housed in the archives of the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA.

Additional Information

Here is some additional information, including maps of their voyage, a picture of the schoolhouse where Thomas and Henry studied at the ABCFM, and the original first Hawaiian church constitution.

You can buy the memoirs of Thomas Hopoo on Amazon, available in both Kindle and hard copy formats.