Laws & Constitutions


(1st) Constitution of Hawaii 1840

Writter: Kamehameha III, c. March 17, 1814 – December 15, 1854

Date: 1841

Type: Book

Medium: Engraving on paper

Credit Line: Bishop Museum

Description: The 1840 Constitution was Hawaiʻi’s first detailed constitution and it established a governmental structure for the Hawaiian Kingdom. It confirmed the authority of island governors who had been appointed by the king, and created a two-body legislative council with a house of nobles and a house of representatives chosen by the people. The 1840 Constitution also created a judicial system which included a supreme court. The supreme court was comprised of the king, the kuhina nui (prime minister or regent), and four others appointed by the house of representatives. The constitution was written by King Kauikeaouli and Premier Kekāuluohi. Enacted on October 8, 1840 and published as Ke Kumu Kanawai a me na Kanawai o ko Hawaii Pae Aina, Honolulu, 1841, and Translation of the Constitution and Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, Established in the Reign of Kamehameha III, Lahaina Luna, 1842.


Laws & Constitutions


Constitution of the Original Hawaiian Church 1830

Writter: Constitution of the Original Hawaiian Church

Date: 1830

Type: Phamplet

Medium: Engraving on paper

Credit Line: Mo’olelo Kū’i’o

Description: The 1830 Constitution was Hawaiʻi’s first for a church body. This was originally drafted up prior top the missionaries leaving on the first voyage. This crucial church document that clearly shows their theological stance, has the influence and work of Henry Obookiah and Samuel J. Mills Jr whom had started it around 1815. It was brought over with the first voyage and was finally printed in Lahaina Luna in 1830.